Mr Calvin Tan and Mdm Leong Cheat Min were the first two speakers who spoke about about their respective careers as engineer and GIS analyst to a group of Y9 and Y10 students during Saturday’s CCA periods.

They are 2 of the 7 speakers scheduled to speak in the next two more Saturdays this month.

This is CCMS initiative to introduce to the students the various career choices, reality of the working world as well as to emphasize the importance of education. The objective of this program is to enable the students to be more informed of their options and take more responsibility for their future.

All the 7 speakers consist of parents with children who are studying in CCMS and had enthusiastically agreed to participate in this program on voluntary basis, as role model to the students as well as to connect with the school.

After these two careers in engineering and GIS, 5 other parents will be speaking on careers as doctor, nurse, accountant, geologist and IT analyst.

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